On the national gay social calendar, there are a few important days: Mardi-Gras, Valentine's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Halloween, and of course New Year’s Eve. However, October 30th is my favorite gay holiday:
The one day of the year set aside to acknowledge the special skill set we Power Bottoms possess. It certainly is appropriate that it is celebrated of the eve of the biggest gay holiday of the year, Halloween.
How does one celebrate this occasion? Any way you desire, but I know what I want: a stiff, lubed cock hitting all the right spots inside my man-gina. I am extremely fortunate to have a DRILL-MASTER, Bart, who probably enjoys this holiday as much as I do.
In almost every fuck session, I, as a POWER BOTTOM, like to maintain control. Remember, being a Bottom does not make you submissive or passive. On this one day only, I am willing to let my Top take complete control and bring us both to nirvana. All I want is to be fucked for hours and hours.Just between us, all any Power Bottom wants is to be fucked for hours by talented Top Men.
In almost every fuck session, I, as a POWER BOTTOM, like to maintain control. Remember, being a Bottom does not make you submissive or passive. On this one day only, I am willing to let my Top take complete control and bring us both to nirvana. All I want is to be fucked for hours and hours.Just between us, all any Power Bottom wants is to be fucked for hours by talented Top Men.
This posting is specifically directed to Top Men with eager and hungry Bottoms, Power or otherwise. I’ll give you a basic format to make POWER BOTTOM APPRECIATION DAY a complete success, one that you or your Bottom will not soon forget.
Sort of like, Mother or Father’s day, this holiday is all about the Power Bottom. He shouldn’t have do anything, except be ready for your hot-rod(s). Wink-wink.
Top Men: make sure to bring your Bottom to absolute ecstasy on this Holiday. Since he brings you to outrageous orgasms, go out of your way to be in absolute control of the whole or "HOLE" sex session. . A Power Bottom may object but be persistent and he will eventually get it. Tease and please every inch of his body. Tease your Bottom’s bung-hole almost to the point of torture.
Every great sex session must include the following components:
ANAL PENETRATION (lots of this)
We all know what sensations a steamy tongue can produce, so don't neglect kissing. It isn’t wimpy or GAY to kiss your man hard and passionately. Do you ever wonder what you taste like; kiss your partner immediately after he's suckeded your cock or ass, or even right after he's tasted your cum.
The tongue is one of the body’s most sensitive organs. It can also induce unbelievable pleasure sensations when used on nipples, cocks, ears, and of course the anus or any other body part. You can use your tongue to find your partner’s erogenous zones or g-spots.
One of the most sensitive g-spots on my body is the base of my neck, by the clavicles. One little tongue flick there; I get an instant erection. My Drill-Master knows this and uses it to his advantage; I don’t complain. The only other spot that can cause an instant hard-on, even when I am not in the mood, is my ass-lips. A little digital stimulation from my Top will cause me to go wild.

Arm-Pits, WOW, I love them. They also tend to be a very sensitive to the lightest touch or lick. Don't neglect armpits. Burying your nose in a man’s pit is intoxicating. It is essence of the man, even more then the smell of his testicles. Don’t misunderstand me, I adore the smell of a man’s balls, but his armpit aroma is so fucking hot. A little nibble or tongue flick will send your partner into frenzy. Trust me on this fellas.
Here's tea-bag party I can belong to.
Who among doesn’t enjoy sucking, nibbling and licking testicles? No one, just as I thought.
Whether they are smooth or hairy. big or small, tight or bangers, I love sucking men's nuts. I like bouncing them on my tongue. I really love it when a man’s testicles smash into my face as I suck his cock. I am always happy when a man with low hangers decides to do a little tea-bagging.
Who wouldn’t want to beneath this set?
Cock Sucking is a natural hing, what else can I say. I could suck a hard cock all day and night. If you Top Men are lucky enough to spend POWER BOTTOM APPRECIATION DAY with a bona-fide POWER BOTTOM, he will suck you to the point of cumming. If you are the type of man who keeps a hard-on after shooting or is quick to reload, he may swallow your first load, to insure a longer ride on your steel-hard tool. Remember it’s all about the Bottom on this day.
If your Bottom likes his cock sucked, and who doesn’t, tease him with tongue and throat. I personally, I love my dick deep-throated, but when I’m out for a hard and long fuck session, I may not let my Top near my cock. My boigina is what needs the attention.
This cocksucker is good at pleasing the entire male package.
If I am lucky enough to have 2 or more Drill-Masters to satisfy, I want one in my man-cunt and another in my mouth at all times. What can I say; I'm a cock-whore.
Get your Bottom into a 69 position go for his cunt…You’ll be rewarded with the best mother-fucking blow job you ever experienced.
Nothing you do will get your Power Bottom more revved up to give you the best ride more than a great tongue fuck. Since this holiday is all about the Power Bottoms skills, reward him by eating his ass until he almost passes out.
For instance, last night, 10/21/2010, Bart sensed I needed some BADLY, maybe because I kept grabbing his cock all evening. Without any warning, he took my pant’s down and turned me upside down. He spread my ass cheeks and drilled my puckered as-hole with his tongue for over an hour. The more I moaned the faster and deeper his tongue worked.
I had so much pre-cum oozing that he used it to lube his cock. Bart, a big tease, would only slip the head of is hard cock though my ass-lips, and then pull out. I begged him to push it all in, but he wouldn’t. He had me in such a position so I couldn’t move. So he kept teasing until I screamed,”FUCK ME NOW!”
He realized he had gone far enough. He slipped in me slowly while a let out a long deep groan. He then pounded me for next 45 minutes. He never tickled, sucked of even touched my cock. I came twice and I walked around with a smile all day. I great Drill-Master can work wonders.
Any doubt that the tongue is magical. Just look at this man’s face.
After you have your Power Bottom worked up and wet from eating his man-cunt, take the time to explore his inner depths. Start by rubbing his ass-lips with your finger tips while licking them. Watch them twitch each time your jab them lightly. Lube your finger with saliva or pre-cum. Slide it inside your Bottom’s ass. First, you will feel the sphincter open, then you’ll feel a warm, moist silken tunnel. Your Bottom should begin to clench your finger. Then he’ll pulse his colon’s walls around it. It will feel like he is milking your finger, imagine your dick in that hot, wet, smooth, lubed, and pulsating tunnel.
Take your time exploring your bottom internally. You will feel a walnut sized, semi-hard object right behind his testicles. That is the prostate, or the GLORY GLAND. Gently rub it and watch him go wild. Sometimes if Bart hits it just right, I’ll shoot pre-cum and my body will go completely limp. Make him beg for more, but just tease him with your tongue and fingers for a little while longer. You will be well rewarded with a super primed ass hungry for your dick.
Look at the faces of these men getting finger fucked, lucky men.
Treat yourself; lick your fingers after you shoved them in your Bottom. Better yet, let him lick your fingers. I like the way I taste. I know what my top tastes when he is eating me silly. Remember your Power Bottom will be sweet and clean for you.
You’ve worked hard. You’ve prepped your Bottom and he his begging for you to ram it deep inside him. You are about to get what you’ve earned, but have a little patience. For me, the initial penetration can turn a great fuck session into an IN-FUNKING-CREDIBLE fuck! Remember, you’ve licked, sucked, and poked his bung-hole to extreme sensitivity. He wants; no, he needs your schlong deep inside his man-pussy.
I love when my Top moves in very slowly. So slowly that I can first feel my ass-lips being stretched by the helmet and clamping tightly on the cock shaft. My ass muscles will twitch uncontrollably.
Then I can feel every vein as his rock-hard shaft slides past the second sphincter, I like my Tops to just push it all the way in and leave it there for a minute. I can use my muscles to explore his dick and feel every contour.
Once he is completely in and my muscles have gotten used to his girth and length, I will relax my ass-hole muscle and let him go for it as fast as hard as he can.
For me, I like as many positions as we can manage in a fuck session. Every position allows you and your Bottom to feel something different. In dogie style, I can control the speed, depth, and force of all the thrusts. I can get my Drill-Master hit or miss my glory gland, depending on what I want.
Doggie is a favorite of Power Bottoms because we can exercise a lot of control in this position.
Sitting on a cock is another position most Power Bottoms enjoy. We can grind and make your cocks hit all the spots we like. We can work our muscles easily and feel every inch of your glory.
The scissors position allows both Top and Bottom easy mobility. This is a very comfortable way to get fucked. I can and have allowed Tops to fuck in this position for very long periods. We can kiss and I watch his face contort with pleasure.
The head stand ins an aggressive position for the Top. The Bottom can't move, but I'll tell you, this feel so FUCKING great. I love feeling a cock sliding up and down in me in this position
Here is a rear entry that usually hits the glory gland and allows both partners free movement in all directions. One of my favs.
The old stand by, the Top can get deep and hard thrusts. The Bottom just gets all the ecstasy. Sorry Top-Men, getting fucked is the most intense pleasure I have ever experienced. So Thank You to all you fuckers.
The Bronco Buster. I really like this one because Bart thrusts so hard his balls slap my ass.
Look at this young man's face. He is enjoying that cock.
Comfy side entry
Okay, pull it out and ram back in. I absolutely love this technique. It makes my man-cunt hum and vibrate. I get really vocal.
This Top is loving his man's ass.
Look at this guy arch his back to feel the cock in him.
All the kissing, poking,sucking and fucking are leading the ultimate climax. Tons of hot sticky, hot cum all over.
Everyone involved should look something like these photos.
I hope I have educated you on to celebrate this relatively new gay holiday. I you want a greeting card to mark the occasion, E-MAIL me. I'll send a few back, (free). Just let me if it is for your BOTTOM or TOP. (all e-mails and names are kept confidential.)
here are some videos of hot sex activities your Power Bottom will appreciated.
Hot Latins Kissing
For some lessons on ass rimming, I would love to meet this BRAZILIAN.
These Latinos are just so fucking hot. The man who ends up bottoming is a man after my own heart.
If you ever need a lesson on cock sucking, watch this man.
The man is the best ass eater I have seen on video, click and be amazed
Here is my HOT BRAZILIAN finger fucking a very hot man, his sinister chuckle really turns me on.
here is a very steamy 3-way. The first Bottom really loves getting fucked, he is on his way to be a Power Bottom. Watch how thrust back on the cock in his ass,
This video will show how fingering a Horny Bottom will get you what you want.